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Frequently Asked Questions



How can I sign up?


You can sign up via the signup page whenever you want.  



Is there a cut-off date for signups each month? 


Each month there will be a cut-off date for signups to be considered for a match in that month’s pool. The cut-off date will change from month to month, so make sure you check the signup page for all the details. 



What if I miss the cut-off deadline?


If you miss the deadline, you will have to wait for the pool for the following month.     




Am I guaranteed a date if I signup? 


No-one is guaranteed a date. If there is not an appropriate match for you then we won't send you out on a date just for jokes. 



How many times can I be matched?


If you do have any matches, you may be offered a minimum of one date and a maximum of two dates per pool. 




How soon after I’m matched do I go on my date? 


It is important the dates happen in that 'date month' and as soon as possible.  



When do the dates happen?


The dates will be on A-gency date nights. 2-3 evenings per month dates will take place. You must make yourself available across ALL the evenings to be eligible for a date and be in the pool. Please note, there will be no flexibility on this, and if you aren’t available for the dates set you won’t be able to be in the pool.  Dates will be at pubs and bars in a location between both parties.



Can I request a specific time or place?


If you have any specific time and location requests, by all means let us know, but we make a final decision based on compromise with your match.



If I become unavailable, can I rearrange my date?


Unless you have COVID-19 or there is an extreme, unique situation dates cannot be rearranged. This will be assessed on a case by case basis. If you want to go ahead with the time of your date, but can’t physically make it to the location, The A-gency recommends a virtual date as an initial meeting, so as to not fall behind in that month’s round of dates. 



But what if it’s raining and my date is outside?!


You cannot rearrange a date if its raining. Unless there are extreme weather conditions, your date will still go ahead, but you can change it to a virtual date as a last resort. 





How much does it cost?


There is a one-off signup fee of £44.99. This allows you to be in the pool every month if you opt to. You may not get a match until a few months after signing up. There is then an administration fee per date. 


How much is the date administration fee?


The date administration fee is £13.99 per date. For clients under the age of 35 the date administration fee is £11.99.



Can I get a refund if I decide I don’t want to go on my date?


There are strictly no refunds. 





I want to change the time of my date. Oh wait, actually I don't want to go anymore. I'm growing impatient. What do I do?!

Please understand matchmaking is a time bound task, and there is a lot to consider. The A-gency asks that you refer to The Agency's Values. Please be patient and let the matchmaker do her thing!  


We will try to be as accommodating as possible, but for the process to work properly, we all need to remain courteous, thoughtful, and flexible.  


Can I give and receive feedback to The A-gency about how my date went?


You can  give feedback but not receive feedback, but please refer to the Privacy Policy for further information regarding matchmaking and date feedback.






Will my date still go ahead during Covid-19 times? 


The A-gency is following government guidelines when it comes to arranging dates and will make any necessary adjustments if the rules continue to change.



What happens if I’m isolating or my date is isolating?


In the event that you and your date are unable to meet in person, the date will be moved to a virtual date. Please refer to the T&C’s for more on this. 

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