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Privacy Policy

The A-gency respects your right to privacy and will process the personal information you provide only in accordance with data protection and other applicable data privacy laws.


The Information Collected and its Use


All information provided by the candidate to The A-gency shall remain entirely confidential. This may include but is not limited to the following:


-    Registration data obtained throughout the signup process 

-    Personal information provided via the signup form

-    Personal information shared with The A-gency during telephone correspondence, and/ or through social messaging platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, SMS)


We may use this information in the following ways:


The A-gency acts as an intermediary between candidates, due to its function as a ‘matchmaker’. Consequently, there are certain instances where The A-gency will be required to share candidate information. Candidate information will be shared with third parties (‘your blind date’) where the candidate is to be set up on a date with said third party. Examples of this may include but are not limited to the following:


-    Where candidates are to be sent on a date with each other, The A-gency may disclosure first names and/or telephone numbers for the purpose of the meeting;

-    Where The A-gency considers two candidates to be an appropriate ‘match’, The A-gency may contact the candidate(s) with information to verify whether the ‘match’ is suitable (for instance, the age of the potential ‘match’.)


The A-gency reserves the right to share anecdotes and / or ‘success stories’ on social media feeds and/or when discussing its work with existing and potential candidates. All personal information contained within these anecdotes and/ or ‘success stories’ shall be anonymized by The A-gency prior to distribution, with all elements of personal identifiable information (PII) redacted.


We ask that candidates respect the privacy of one another. Under no circumstances, should one candidate share the details of their ‘match’ with other individuals (be the individual a candidate or non-participant of The A-gency). The A-gency reserves the right to remove candidates and ban future participation should a candidate breach this requirement. 


We may collect the information for purposes set out above and as required by applicable laws, regulations or other contracts to allow The A-gency to fulfil its business needs. We will take appropriate measures to ensure that we keep your information secure, accurate and up-to-date.


We will only process your personal information as necessary so that we can pursue the purposes described above, and then only where we have concluded that our processing does not prejudice you or your privacy in a way that would override our legitimate interest in pursuing those purposes.


You and Your ‘Match’


The A-gency cannot be held responsible for any information shared directly between candidates on dates. The A-gency advises candidates to use their discretion when sharing information with ‘matches’.


Retention of Information 


The A-gency will keep candidates’ personal data for as long as is required for our legitimate business purposes, to perform our contractual obligations and as is required by law or regulatory requirements which apply.


Your rights


You have the right to:


-    Be provided with copies of personal information that the A-gency holds about you at any time [email with the Subject Heading ‘Data Subject Access Request’]

-    Ask the A-gency to update, or delete any out-of-date or incorrect personal information held about you [email with the Subject Heading ‘Right to Erasure’]

-    Request the restriction of, or object to, our processing of personal information;


Contact us


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Statement are welcomed and should be addressed to



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